Pre-Law Tithe
of YouTube video found at https://youtu.be/0PW2Hmv4_S8
Hello, I’m the Rev. Ortiz, and this is the study: Abraham’s Pre-Law Tithe.
In an attempt to make tithing a part of the Christian faith, money lovers argue that Abraham’s tithe predates the Law of Moses. And because of this, they assume that tithing is not a part of the Law. And somehow or other, they interpret this to mean that Christians must tithe their income. Of course, just because Abraham’s tithe predates the Law doesn’t automatically make tithing a part of the Christian faith, nor does it mean that God’s tithe isn’t a part of His Law
But okay, it is a fact that Abraham’s tithe predates the Law of Moses; this much is true. However, I invite you to look at other facts that have been conveniently overlooked by money loving ministers.
Fact: No law means there was no obligation to tithe. Therefore, Abraham’s tithe was an act of freewill. In accordance with this fact, Christians are not obligated to tithe, and if per chance they do, it’s a matter of freewill, not obligation.
Fact: Abraham’s tithe was a gift, not a payment. See Genesis 14:20b; “Abram gave him a tenth.” Melchizedek did not ask for a tithe, nor did God tell Abraham to give Melchizedek a tithe. No one asked Abraham to tithe. Therefore, we should be asking ourselves, why are Christians being asked to tithe?
Fact: Abraham did a lot of things before the Law existed; that doesn’t mean we have to do them too. For example, Abraham’s circumcision predates the Law. So, if Christians must tithe simply because Abraham’s tithe predates the Law, doesn’t this also imply that Christians must be circumcised, being that Abraham’s circumcision also predates the Law? And being that Abraham’s circumcision was commanded by God, wouldn’t it be logical that we should promote Abraham’s mandatory circumcision before we promote his freewill tithe?
Fact: Abraham tithed the spoils of war, not his income; read it in Hebrews 7:4. Therefore, if Christians are going to imitate Abraham’s tithe, they’re going to have to first, go to war; second, make sure they win the war, otherwise they’re dead; and third, tithe the spoils of war. I personally recommend that we do not imitate Abraham’s tithe because “God has called us to live in peace.” (1st Corinthians 7:15b) Therefore, “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts.” (Colossians 3:15a) Not war.
Fact: Abraham was a wealthy man (Genesis 13:2), yet he never tithed from his riches. His only tithe was the spoils of war. Therefore, it is an act of deception to tell Christians they must tithe their income, knowing all too well that Abraham’s tithe had absolutely nothing to do with his income.
And here is the most important fact that I want to share with you today…
Fact: Abraham’s tithe was the result of a once in a lifetime, never to be repeated, circumstance. Therefore, in accordance with the Biblical evidence, Abraham tithed only once in his entire life. And yet pastors keep asking God’s Children to pay them an income-tithe, not once or twice, but over and over again, week after week, month after month, year after year—throughout their entire lives! Well, the truth is, Abraham tithed only once in his life, and I challenge anyone out there that doesn’t believe this to prove me wrong by posting a comment with the Bible verse where they find that Abraham tithed on another occasion.
Now some of you might be thinking, “But Abraham is the father of faith and we are his children by faith. Therefore, shouldn’t we tithe by faith?” The answer to this question is no, because “faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” (Hebrews 11:1) And, since Abraham already had the victory, his tithing was a matter of fact, not faith. Therefore, Abraham did not use faith to tithe.
Likewise, the Israelites never tithed by faith; the Promised Land was already theirs. They could see it, they could touch it, and they lived in it; that was a fact. Every year they waited for the harvest to come first, and then they tithed. If the harvest was small, their tithe was small. If it was large, their tithe was large. Faith was not a requirement; the requirement was land ownership.
It’s a shame that the love for the mighty dollar has caused so many ministers to focus this story on money. In so doing, they have overlooked a vivid typology of Christ contained within this war story. I now present to you a hidden gem—Abraham as a typology of Jesus.
Miraculously traveled hundreds of miles during ancient times
Abraham did these things to rescue Lot after he got into trouble
Went to war to save souls, not for riches
Fought against the odds (four kings)
Won the war that Lot could not win
Saved the people
Set the people free
Met the Priest of Salem (which is Jerusalem)
Gave a spoils of war tithe to the Priest
Abraham tithed only once in his life
Miraculously traveled from Heaven to Earth
Jesus did these things to rescue us after we got into trouble
Went to war to save souls, not for riches
Fought against the odds Satan, Principalities, etc.
Won the war that we could not win
Saved the people
Set the people free
Met the God of Jerusalem (which is Salem)
Gave Himself as our “spoils of war tithe” to God
Jesus paid the price of salvation only once
There should be no doubt, Abraham is clearly a foreshadowing of Jesus.
Now some of you might be asking “Wait a minute, did you say that Jesus is our tithe?” Yes, I did. For the detailed study, please view my ten-minute video titled “Jesus is Our Tithe.” But as with all my studies, don’t take my word for it. I urge you to study the Scriptures diligently, and allow God’s Spirit to “tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” (Jeremiah 33:3)
And if any of my studies have been a blessing to you, please help me reach others by simply sharing these short videos with those you know so that the Body of Christ may know of this resource. Together we can remove the stumbling stones and “let justice roll on like a river.” (Amos 5:24a)
Thank you for listening. Until next time, God bless you.