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and the Bible
Hello, I’m Pastor Amós and this is the study: Money and the Bible.
In an attempt to promote the use of cash as a form of tithing, many pastors claim that the biblical tithe was food only because the Israelites did not use cash money. These pastors allege that because of this, God was forced to establish a food-tithe in place of a cash-tithe.
Nevertheless, the Bible contains plenty of evidence of money being used.
That said, this study is not about tithing or percentages, this study is not about the Law or faith, and this most certainly is not a study about what you should do with your money. Like the widow that gave two mites, you are free to do whatever you want with your money. Even if you want to give 100% of it to your pastor, that’s your prerogative.
This study is about how Satan has infiltrated the Church with his lies and has made liars out of many pastors. This study is about liars on our pulpits, and one of their lies is this: “the Israelites did not use cash money during biblical times.” That is a lie. The Bible evidence about cash-money being used is overwhelming. Hence, for the sake of this short study I will only go over these few Bible references. Here’s the biblical truth about money…
- Genesis 17:12 Abraham was able to buy servants because he had enough money.
- Genesis 42:35 Joseph’s brothers had pouches full of money.
- Exodus 38:26 over 600,000 Israelites paid the atonement money.
- Leviticus 25:37 the Israelites were warned not to charge interest when lending money.
- Numbers 3:48 the parents of first-born were ordered to pay the redemption money.
- 2nd Kings 5:26 Elisha’s servant thought it was a good idea to ask Naaman for money.
- 2nd Chronicles 24:5 the Israelites paid their annual temple dues with money.
- Nehemiah 5:4 the Israelites paid the king’s tax with borrowed money.
- Esther 4:7 the destruction of the Jews was funded with money.
- Micah 3:11 some prophets told fortunes for money.
- Matthew 17:27 even in the mouth of a fish, Peter found money.
- Matthew 21:12 there were tables full of money.
- Matthew 22:21 Caesar’s image was on the tax money.
- Matthew 25:27 the Israelites went to the bankers to deposit their money.
- Matthew 26:9 perfumes could be sold at a high price so the poor could be given money.
- Matthew 28:12 the soldiers were given a large sum of bribe money.
- Luke 16:14 (like today’s money-loving ministers) the Pharisees loved money.
- John 2:14 one of the businesses within the temple courts was the exchange of money.
- Acts 3:3 some people begged for money.
- Acts 4:34 houses were being sold and church members were supported with the money.
- Acts 5:3 (like today’s money-loving ministers) Ananias and Sapphira lied about the money.
- Acts 8:18 the Spirit was given at the laying of hands, but someone offered to buy it with money.
- Acts 16:16 by fortune telling, a young girl earned a great deal of money.
- Acts 22:28 Roman citizenship could be purchased with a lot of money.
- Above all these, Matthew 27:3, even our Lord Jesus was betrayed for money.
But don’t take my word for it. You can do a Bible search by using the key words on this board to see for yourself the many Bible references on money.
So there we have it, straight from God’s Word. Therefore, “let God be true, but every man a liar.” (Romans 3:4a)
We cannot promote the Gospel of Jesus with lies and expect to have God’s approval. God does not work salvation through lies. Lies are the work of Satan, for “there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” (John 8:44b) And “all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8b)
The Bible makes it clear that lying is not an option for us. Unfortunately, many liars have infiltrated the Church. Even if your pastor has blessed your life with a healing miracle but then lies about money in the Bible, he is a child of Satan. For it is written, “Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’” (Matthew 7:22-23) And the Lord’s answer will be, “I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!”
We are in the midst of a savage spiritual war. In the past, Satan’s attacks were a direct assault against the Church by means of persecution. But in these last days, Satan’s attacks are coming from within the Church. By poisoning the Church with the cash-tithe lies, Satan has neutralized many Church leaders and is slowly putting the Church to sleep; many are already dormant. The only way for us to survive is to stay alert by means of God’s written word. We must never lose sight of the fact that one day our Lord will return for “a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.” (Ephesians 5:27)
While we cannot put an end to the surmountable amount of money-loving liars that have infiltrated the Church, I urge you to take a stand for the truth by sharing this video with every Christian you know. I honestly wish you success during this life, and I look forward to spending time with you in the heavenly realms.
Thank you for listening. Until next time, God bless you.