Welcome to the Tithe Deception.

This blog is meant to help Christians that believe they don't have to pay for Salvation but are confused by the cash-tithe deception. It's ludicrous to assume that a man will ask his fiancée for 10% of her income. In the same way Jesus (The Bridegroom) has NEVER asked His Church (The Bride) for a cash-tithe. There is nothing we can do to merit God's love and yet He still loves us. Such a love is incomprehensible. The thought of it is humbling and all we can do is surrender without any plea.

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Monday, January 22, 2007

Ministers Playing the Word Game Ephesians 4:14

Ministers play the word game by changing the Word and throwing the focus on something else. One way that ministers play this word game is by claiming that tithes are not a part of the Law of Moses. The discussion of the Law and Tithes is simply double talk that takes the focus away from the tithe being food.

If someone wants to keep the Law, they should do so by tithing the food that the Law demands, because the Law is a matter of faith. Believers honor their faith, and others should respect it, even if it is a mixture of the Law and Grace.

We can choose to follow the Law or Grace in accordance to our faith. However, removing the word “food” and adding the word currency in Malachi 3:10 is not a matter of faith. Rather, it is a matter of theft! We must ask ourselves, why would someone remove the word “food” in Malachi 3:10 and add the word currency? The only answer I can come up with is the love of money.

This is why learning God’s Word is so important. Ephesians 4:14 reads, “Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming.”


Maureen Harrison said...

Brother Amos you are so accurate in the matter of which you speak. It bothers me to see some pastors and teachers manipulate and exact believers into giving 10% of their hard earned money, something God never intended, but yet many are teaching the tithe in error and for their own sordid gain.The tithe was exactly that,food. So many scriptures prove this.My husband and I have been scripturally proving to Christians that money was not a commodity for tithing.However believers must rightly divide the word of God in order to see this same truth as you so did. God is judging this erroroneous teaching that some have cleverily manipulated onto the believers. I thank God that you too have not set idly by and allow this to go on without exposing it.

Rev. Amós Ortiz said...

Hello Sister Maureen Harrison,

Back in April 2007 you posted a comment on my church blog and I just wanted to thank you and invite you to view a video a recently posted on youtube.
Here's the link…

You can also view the video by searching, “Jesus is our Tithe” on youtube.

Your questions and comments are welcome.


Rev. Amos Ortiz