Welcome to the Tithe Deception.

This blog is meant to help Christians that believe they don't have to pay for Salvation but are confused by the cash-tithe deception. It's ludicrous to assume that a man will ask his fiancée for 10% of her income. In the same way Jesus (The Bridegroom) has NEVER asked His Church (The Bride) for a cash-tithe. There is nothing we can do to merit God's love and yet He still loves us. Such a love is incomprehensible. The thought of it is humbling and all we can do is surrender without any plea.

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Friday, September 13, 2013

The Meaning of life, page seven.

Now back to the sermon…
Can you understand, dear ones? All of your tears, pain, belittlement, sufferings, etc., are being kept as valuable treasures to be used for the purpose of righteousness. This is why Psalm 56:8 reads “Record my misery; list my tears on your scroll: are they not in your record?” Why would God keep a record of your sufferings unless He plans to use said information? And what better use could there be for this information than to prove Satan’s folly and end the war? God hasn’t forgotten you! If God did everything we wanted Him to, if He made right all that is wrong, He would not be able to justifiably show proof to the heavenly entities for sending Satan and his angels to the Lake of Fire where they belong. Because of this, mere words cannot express how valuable you are to Him.

Nevertheless, God has expressed this value by sending His only begotten Son to prove to you how much He loves you! Because of this, the power of prayer should never be underestimated. Take a look at it this way; this is where the power of prayer comes into play with regard to God’s righteousness. If God is constantly executing His will in our favor, His enemies will cry out “Unfair!” But if we unite our will with His through prayer, when God answers our prayers, His enemies cannot claim that He did as He pleased without regard to justice and/or the desires of others. In other words, Satan cannot say to his followers “See? He’s always doing things His way!” This is because there is now a human being that, through prayer, has requested God’s favor.

Let’s think back to Moses again. Most preachers focus on the great wonders and miracles that God brought about through the hands of Moses, and rightly so. But before Moses parted the Red Sea, these miracles were preceded by four hundred years of slavery. Once again, we tend to pridefully focus on the leaders and ignore the subordinates. And, in this case, the Israelites were subordinates to the point of slavery. What about all of these generations of people that never saw God’s miracles at the hands of Moses? These people lived generation after generation as slaves. Imagine being born a slave and learning from your grandparents that they lived their lives as slaves and raised your parents as slaves and that you later marry a slave and have children that are slaves, and in your old age, you see your precious grandchildren live their lives as slaves too! Do you think for a moment that these hundreds of thousands of people have lived their lives in vain?

God forbid. These folks will take the stand on the Day of Judgment and say the words that Moses will never be able to say against the low ranking fallen angels. They go something like this: “We never saw the burning bush or heard His voice; our lives were made bitter with slavery for countless generations, yet we never lost hope in God’s deliverance, even when we died without seeing it.” There will not be an insubordinate angel left standing in Heaven when these believers begin to speak.

Long ago, many of Heaven’s angels thought that God was unjustified in creating Heaven His way. And they asked, “Is it justifiable for God to create heavenly beings, knowing that they will be subject to His authority and will not be allowed to run freely, doing whatever comes to mind? Is it justifiable, knowing that their freedom would be within the limits of His Law?” God responded by creating mankind to prove His righteousness.

Today, some of us have asked, “Was it justifiable for God to create human life, knowing that humans will experience pain, trauma and all kinds of malice simply because the human being has been given the freedom to do whatever comes to mind? Was it justifiable for the Tree of Knowledge to be purposefully placed in the Garden of Eden, resulting in the guaranteed contamination of sin?” God responded by becoming one of us to lift our pain on His shoulders.

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