Welcome to the Tithe Deception.

This blog is meant to help Christians that believe they don't have to pay for Salvation but are confused by the cash-tithe deception. It's ludicrous to assume that a man will ask his fiancée for 10% of her income. In the same way Jesus (The Bridegroom) has NEVER asked His Church (The Bride) for a cash-tithe. There is nothing we can do to merit God's love and yet He still loves us. Such a love is incomprehensible. The thought of it is humbling and all we can do is surrender without any plea.

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Friday, September 13, 2013

The Meaning of life, page two.

Note that some people believe that Satan’s fall came after the creation of Man, but either way is irrelevant for a God that cannot be taken by surprise. Keep in mind that in Genesis 3:1, we find that Satan was evil from the get go. You see, God was not taken by surprise when Adam sinned. The Tree of Knowledge was not left in the Garden of Eden by accident. If that was true, then our omniscient God would’ve made a mistake. The Tree of Knowledge was placed in the Garden of Eden on purpose, for it was a part of God’s divine plan. It was meant to be seen by all. This is why the Tree was placed “in the middle of the garden” and not in one of the far ends. (Genesis 2:9)
God was accused of unrighteousness, and because of His love, He needed to develop a reasonable plan that would clearly prove to all the beings that He had created, including the fallen ones, that He is just and righteous. To do this, God needed an entity with the following qualities…
·         This entity would need to start life in innocence, not knowing good or evil; thus, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
·         This entity would also need to live life without seeing or hearing God or any of His heavenly wonders. This is not easy, since He is the creator of all life. This is also known as His likeness. In other words, just as God has never seen anyone greater than Himself, in like manner, man physically doesn’t see anyone greater than himself.
·         This entity would also need to have power similar to God’s power, i.e. the power of choice, or to make decisions, the power to reproduce, the power of lordship over the world, etc. This is also known as His image.
·         This entity would need to go through all of the hurdles, hardships and tests of life and ultimately take a step of faith and say “there is a Creator,” thus declaring God’s righteousness.
Only a being like this could settle the matter of His righteousness once and for all, but no creature in all of His creation fit this profile. So, our omniscient God had an idea and said “let us make mankind.”
This is one reason as to why God made us and gave us authority on Earth. We are not just beings that came to life without a reason or a purpose. God made us “a little lower than the angels [Elohim] and crowned us with glory and honor.” (Psalm 8:5) Note that the Hebrew translation of Elohim is God. However, Jewish tradition translates this word as angels. This tradition is due to respect for His name, as is said in Exodus 20:7.

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